1 Install CENTOS 6.x
2 copy tar to /tmp
3 go to single user mode ==> init 1
4 tar -x the tar
執行還原指令,但需保留 /etc/fstab 的設定,因為重新安裝之後硬碟的 UUID 不一樣
tar -zx --totals --absolute-names --preserve --exclude=/etc/fstab \ -f /mnt/backup/full-backup.tar.gz
tar -x -P --preserve-permissions --exclude=/etc/fstab -f /tmp/17....tar
5 passwd root 這個很重要
如果忘記了,可以再從 single user mode 改一次ROOT的密碼
預設 mike1hsieh 密碼為 手機
root abcd1234
opsview 清除原來的帳密
# mysql -u root -p opsview
mysql> update contacts set
encrypted_password='$apr1$SUR3Kcd8$CkJfpqvqy3r.6rzawNwCS.' where name='admin';
You should now be able to access the UI again using the username admin and the
password initial. Remember to change it!
nagios 預設帳密 admin / initial
7 加圖型
hosticon_admin add 'LOGO - oracle' /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos/oracle.png
hosticon_admin add 'LOGO - redhat' /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos/redhat.png
hosticon_admin add 'LOGO - Windows' /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos/Windows.png
hosticon_admin add 'LOGO - centos' /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos/centos.png
hosticon_admin add 'LOGO - IBM' /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos/ibm.png
hosticon_admin add 'LOGO - HP' /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos/hp.png
hosticon_admin add 'LOGO - HP' /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos/hp.png