2009年6月2日 星期二




買XO有相當一部分原因是因為有《乒乓球》這款遊戲。這也是我在XO上通的第一款game。在過去一個月裡,經過日夜奮戰,live排名從15000名已升至5000名左右。在LIVE上能見到中國網友的機會不大,跟外國鬼子打的話,網速又實在不爽。近日看到一些朋友在網上說對於《乒乓球》的操作還不是太理解。今天特撰此文,分享一下自己有限的心得,還請大家多多指點,共同進步,加我的ID : billyfly,一起上live去狂扁鬼子,尤其是小鬼子。


(1) 擊球鍵
A – 上旋
Y – 下旋
X- 左側旋
Y- 右側旋

LT (或LB) 按住後,按擊球鍵回球,是放網前小球。是LT還是LB,可以在遊戲操作設置的菜單裡選擇,我選的是LT。

RT (或RB) 按住後,回球為加力回球,前提是屏幕上方的力量槽不是空的。

RB (或RT) 按下後,只要上方的力量槽不是空的,每次回球自動都是加力的。




在力量槽未滿時,想發力打球,需要使用以上提到的 RT(或RB)鍵配合。


(1) 人物有若干屬性,包括力量,靈活,旋轉,發球等。
(2) 個人認為最重要的屬性是力量和旋轉。
(3) Jesper是力量選手的代表,LUC和Jurgen是旋轉的高手。還有像Mark之類均衡型選手。


(1) 發球

進入發球狀態後,出現力量+旋轉槽(柱),其中,橫著的白線代表力量,越往上代表發球力量越大。柱子本身的實體代表旋轉,該柱體被顏色充的越滿,代表旋轉越強。此時按下相應的擊球鍵(對應不同旋轉的發球),橫著的白線會開始不停的上下移動,柱體也會同時充上顏色,注意的是柱色充滿顏色後便不會再褪色,不像力量的橫線不停的上下動。此時再按下擊球鍵, 球會根據當時的力量+旋轉槽(柱)對應的情況發出。

(2) 站位

(3) 擊球

力量型選手應以A鍵為主,這樣才能發揮威力, 少用XY,因為旋轉很弱,沒有威脅。


(1) 與電腦對戰
- 發球長短結合
- 注意左右大角度調動對手
- 對旋轉選手時,一定要看清旋轉,站好位置
- 適當放小球
- 當發現對手很難對付時,不妨試試用Y鍵一直削他,等他失誤或在其回球又高又慢時,突擊一板。我用此招幹掉了好幾個狠角色。

(2) Live對戰
- 站位… 居中,注意回位
- 在發現自己的網絡反應速度低於對方時,或在對方力量槽蓄滿進入發力階段時,可以適當用Y防守,或A鍵回到中路,儘量少蓄力,少打大角度,因為此時被對方打回頭的可能性很大。
- 發球儘量不出台,高手時常可以發力後一板打死出檯球。
- 在對方回出高球時,可以按住Y, X和B大力扣殺,注意打出角度,這樣對方不容易回過來。用A扣殺時,因為自身不帶弧線,所以相對好防守。
- 在自己回出高球,對方要扣殺時,退台,判斷對方攻擊方向,用A鍵打回頭 (不要蓄力)。
- 適當放小球



Unlocked Mark (20 points) Win the Rookie Circuit under the default settings in less than 13.5 minutes. (我在30分鐘左右完成,也解開了成就)
Unlocked Jung Soo (20 points) Win the Rookie Circuit under the default settings in less than 14 minutes.
Unlocked Cassidy (20 points) Win the Rookie Circuit under the default settings in less than 14.5 minutes.
Unlocked Solayman (15 points) Win the Pro Circuit.
Unlocked Carmen (15 points) Win the All-Star Circuit.
Unlocked Juergen (5 points) Win the Amateur Circuit.
Unlocked Kumi (10 points) Win the Rookie Circuit.
The Creampuff (5) Beat the Amateur Circuit on default settings.
The Graduate (5) Earn the highest score on every drill in Training Mode.
The Noob (5) Complete your first online match in any game mode.
The Spectator (5) Awarded for spectating in an online match.
The Average Joe (10) Beat the Rookie Circuit on default settings.
The Victor (10) Awarded for your first win in any online game mode.
The Competitor (20) Beat the Pro Circuit on default settings.
The Natural (20) Use every character to beat any of the Tournament Circuits.
The Tourist (20) Every level in the game has been unlocked.
The Tailer (25) Every outfit in the game has been unlocked.
The All-Star (30) Beat the All-Star Circuit on default settings.
The Owner (30) Every character in the game has been unlocked.
The Net Veteran (60) Rack up 10+ hours of online gameplay time.
The Veteran (60) Rack up 10+ hours of offline gameplay time.
The Savant (80) Beat the All-Star Circuit with every character.
The Widowmaker (95) Shutout opponents in 5+ non-consecutive games (any settings) in Ranked online play.
The G.O.A.T. (100) Achieve the highest TrueSkill rating possible in any Ranked online game mode.
The Hall of Famer (100) Has won 50+ (non-consecutive) Ranked Tournaments.
3 Match Winning Streak (35) Win 3 Ranked Exhibition Matches in a row.
4 Match Winning Streak (50) Win 4 Ranked Exhibition Matches in a row.
5 Match Winning Streak (85) Win 5 Ranked Exhibition Matches in a row.

Unlock all characters easily
To unlock all the characters in Table Tenis you dont need to go through tourniment mode, or even beat the tournments within time limits. An easier way to unlock the characters is to play the CPU a bunch of times. This can be done either in tournament mode or exhibition mode with any settings
Unlockable How to Unlock
Unlock Juergen 20 wins
Unlock Kumi 25 wins
Unlock Solayman 30 wins
Unlock Carmen 35 wins
Unlock Cassidy 40 wins
Unlock Jung Soo 45 wins
Unlock Mark 50 wins

Bonus Shirts
Unlockable How to Unlock
Liu Ping Shirt #4 Win a match with a smash shot
Liu Ping Shirt #5 Shutout the CPU in a game
Liu Ping Shirt #3 Have a rally of at least 40 hits

2 Gamerpics
To unlock the paddles & Rockstar logo gamerpics complete the training mode and get a perfect.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Paddle Gamerpic Get perfect in training mode.
Rockstar Logo Gamerpic Get perfect in training mode.

敲了一上午,終於完稿了,希望對大家有所幫助,喜歡就頂一下。大家加我ID (billyfly),都來打乒乓呀!


RHEL install EPEL

  https://www.linuxtechi.com/install-epel-repo-on-rhel-system/ EPEL dnf install -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest...