2007年12月30日 星期日

檢查大小 不夠發mail 單機板


' edit **************** 修改區 內邊作修改即可
fileFolder 存檔資料夾 後面接 年月\機器名稱.html
altersp 第一段 html 檔案以紅色標籤為記
criticalsp 第二段 以mail通知
其mail部份 請參考

下載 r_FreeHdd_Mail_html.vbs

' Script name : r_FreeHdd_Mail_html.vbs
'單機板 or 多機版
' 2006/01/13
' 硬碟剩餘 記錄
' 檢查大小 不夠發mail 單機板
' 2006/06/13 V2
' %0 為此檔案名稱
' 增加參數 /s 單機型 %0 /s
' 增加參數 /f 檔案型 %0 /f C:\ServerList.txt
' 增加參數 /? 乎叫說明 %0 /?
' 不加參數 為本機型
' 2006/07/30 v3
' 更換成為按月為檔的資料夾
Option Explicit
dim FSO,objShell,objNet
dim objWMIService,colDisks
dim strComputer
dim strm,strd,stry,strToday,strYM
dim file,myfile,file2,myfile2,fileFolder
dim diskName,disksize,diskfreeS,objDisk
dim hdden
dim mailfrom,mailto,mailsub,mailmess,MXserver,mailsmtpport,mailuser,mailpasswd
dim objEmail,msgerr
dim fush,fuc
Dim strFlag,intState,i
dim add,addfile,userpd
dim strsmptaut,smptaut
dim strsmtpssl,smtpssl
dim strCsize,strDsize
dim ServerList,objfile
dim altersp,criticalsp
call datt

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set objNet = CreateObject("WScript.NetWork")
' edit **************** 修改區
' V3 2006/07/30 Edit

' Edit 修改區
fileFolder="D:\mydoc\vbtools\HDD\" & strYM
If not FSO.FolderExists(fileFolder) Then FSO.CreateFolder(fileFolder)

file = fileFolder & "\Frf_" ' 路徑
file2 = fileFolder & "\nofr"
hdden = 0
add = 0
userpd = 0
' alter
altersp = 10
' critical
criticalsp = 3
MXserver = "smtp.gmail.com"
mailfrom = "abc@gmail.com"
mailto = "abcget@gmail.com.tw"
Mailsub = "硬碟空間不足"
mailmess = "硬碟空間不足" & strComputer & now
mailuser = "abc" '驗證用的帳號
mailpasswd = "abcpassword" '驗證用的密碼
if mailUser <> "" then userpd = userpd + 1
if mailpasswd <> "" then userpd = userpd + 1
mailsmtpport = 465
strsmptaut = "Yes" ' Smtp 要驗證
if strsmptaut = "Yes" then smptaut = 1
strsmtpssl = "Yes" ' Smtp SSL
if strsmtpssl = "Yes" then SmtpSSL = 1
' ****************** program********************

if Wscript.arguments.Count <> 0 then
if Wscript.arguments.Item(0) = "/?" then call Show_Usage
end if

if Wscript.arguments.Count > 1 then
for i = 0 to Wscript.arguments.Count -1
if Wscript.arguments.Item(i) ="/?" then call Show_Usage

for i = 0 to Wscript.arguments.Count -1
select case LCase(Wscript.arguments.Item(i))
case "/f"
ServerList = Wscript.arguments.Item(i+1)

If FSO.FileExists(Wscript.arguments.Item(i+1)) Then
Set objfile = FSO.OpenTextFile(ServerList,1)
wscript.echo "檔案型"
Do While objfile.AtEndOfStream <> True
strComputer = objfile.ReadLine
wscript.echo strComputer
call listdo
Wscript.Echo "檔案不存在"
End If

case "/s"
strComputer = LCase(Wscript.arguments.Item(i+1))
wscript.echo "單機型"
wscript.echo strComputer
call listdo
end select

strComputer = objNet.ComputerName

wscript.echo "本機型"
call listdo
End if
' ****************** sub program********************

' 單機or多機

sub listdo
call wmistart
call todaylist
call mlt
end sub

sub Show_Usage
wscript.echo "Server Free Hdd Space "
wscript.echo "End"
end sub

sub wmistart

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colDisks = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select Name,Size,FreeSpace from Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType = 3")
end sub

sub todaylist
If not FSO.FileExists(file & strComputer &".html") Then
set myfile = FSO.CreateTextFile(file & strComputer &".html",True) 'True:OverWrite
myfile.writeline " <head><title>" & strComputer & "</title></head>"
myfile.writeline "CreatTime" & " " & stry&strm&strd & " " & time & "</br>"
myfile.writeline "Hostname " & "," & strComputer & "</br>"
myfile.writeline "<hr>"
myfile.writeline "<table border=4>"
call makefile
set myfile = FSO.OpenTextFile(file & strComputer &".html",8)
end if
myfile.write "<tr><td>" & now & "</td>"
For each objDisk in colDisks
diskName = objDisk.Name
disksize = objDisk.Size /1024/1024 /1024
diskfreeS = objDisk.FreeSpace /1024/1024 /1024

if diskfreeS < altersp then
myfile.write "<th bgcolor=red>" & diskfrees & "</th>"
myfile.write "<td>" & diskfrees & "</td>"
end if
'if Lcase(diskname) <> "c:" then
if diskfreeS < criticalsp then
hdden = 2
If not FSO.FileExists(file2 & strComputer &".csv") Then
set myfile2 = FSO.CreateTextFile(file2 & strComputer &".csv") 'True:OverWrite
set myfile2 = FSO.OpenTextFile(file2 & strComputer &".csv",8)
end if
myfile2.writeline now
myfile2.writeline "Partition,ToTalSize,FreeSpace"
myfile2.write diskName & "," & disksize & "," & diskfreeS
myfile2.writeline ""
end if
'end if
diskName =0
disksize =0
diskfreeS =0

if hdden = 2 then
myfile2.writeline ""
end if

myfile.writeline ""
wscript.sleep 1000
end sub

sub makefile
myfile.write "<tr><td>" & "Partition" & "</td>"
For each objDisk in colDisks
diskName = objDisk.Name
myfile.write "<td>" & diskname & "</td>"
myfile.write "</tr>"
myfile.writeline ""
myfile.write "<tr><td>" & "Date & Time" & "</td>"
For each objDisk in colDisks
disksize = objDisk.Size /1024/1024 /1024
myfile.write "<td>" & disksize & "</td>"
myfile.write "</tr>"
myfile.writeline ""
end sub

sub datt
stry = DatePart("yyyy",Date())
strm = DatePart("m",Date())
strd = DatePart("d",Date())

If len(trim(strd)) = 1 Then strd = "0" & strd
If len(trim(strm)) = 1 Then strm = "0" & strm
strToday = stry & strm & strd
'V3 New Add
strYM = stry & strm
end sub

sub mlt
if hdden = 0 then
exit sub
elseif hdden=2 then
end if

Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
mailmess = mailmess & strComputer
with objEmail
.From = mailfrom
.To = mailto
.Subject = mailsub
.Textbody = mailmess
if add = 1 then
.AddAttachment file2 & strComputer &".csv"
end if

if userpd = 2 then
.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = mailuser
.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = mailpasswd
end if

if smptaut = 1 then
.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1
end if

if smtpssl = 1 then
.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = true
end if

.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = MXserver
.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = mailsmtpport
end with

if add = 1 then
FSO.DeleteFile(file2 & strComputer &".csv")
end if

end sub


RHEL install EPEL

  https://www.linuxtechi.com/install-epel-repo-on-rhel-system/ EPEL dnf install -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest...